Kingdom Come Deliverance Bow Console Command

Active Console Commands

Enable crosshair with bow:

Console commands are short lines of code to use in the console to change variables in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. The console can only be accessed on PC versions of the game using the key (if not it is the key found just under Esc in the top left). The base game features several console commands, but some of the most useful ones were removed shortly after release. Here are the working console commands for Kingdom Come: Deliverance. To activate the console, press the tilde key while in-game. You'll see the console drop down from the top of the screen.

wh_pl_showfirecursor 1

This enables a crosshair when using a bow. This makes the aiming significantly easier. If you have a bow equipped when you change this setting, you have to re-equip it to see the crosshair. Set the integer to 0 to disable the crosshair when firing the bow.

Modify motion blur mode:

r_MotionBlur 0

This option can be found in the Graphics settings. However, it can be changed manually. Set the integer to 0 to disable motion blur, set it to 1 for camera blur, and 2 for object blur.

Disable HUD:

g_showHUD 0

To disable HUD, set the integer to 0, to enable set it to 1.

Modify gravity:

p_gravity_z -13

This option is listed on the wiki, and it is accepted as a command in-game, but it doesn’t appear to do anything. It’s worth trying, if you’re curious. The default value is -13.

Disable compass:

wh_ui_showCompass 0

Use this to disable only the compass. Useful if you want a non-modded method of increasing realism.

Modify FOV:

cl_fov 60

Kingdom Come Deliverance Bow Console Command

This setting can be found in the Graphics settings, but it only goes up to 75. The default value is 60. I recommend 90-100 for maximum experience without a lot of model clipping or unintentional texture glitches.

Quit to desktop:


This command is just the letter q. I see little use for this, unless you need to quit without saving.

Kingdom come deliverance bow console commands

Modify draw distance:

e_ViewDistRatio 500

The default value for this is 500. This will adversly affect performance, be cautious when adjusting this.

Modify tree draw distance only:

e_ViewDistRatioVegetation 500

The default value for this is 500. Just like the previous setting, this will adversly affect performance, on a lesser scale than the previous, however.

Modify other plant draw distance:

e_MergedMeshesInstanceDist 20

This will affect your performance the least out of these three console commands, but it will still have an effect. The default value is 20.

Show time of day:


Kingdom come deliverance console commands bow

This shows the current time of day. (or night.)

Kingdom Come Deliverance Cheat Mod

Adjust model scale:

t_scale 1

This command adjusts the in-game model scale. Default value is 1, max value is 10. Appears to be somewhat buggy, be cautious if using.

Modify anti-aliasing mode:

r_antialiasingmode 0

Default value is 0, can be changed to 1 for SMAA 1x, 2 for SMAA 1TX, 3 for SMAA 2x. This will adversly affect performace. These options can also be found in the Advanced Graphics options.

Disable Health bar:

wh_ui_showHealthbar 0

Kingdom come deliverance cheat mod

Default value is 1. Set the integer to 0 to hide the health bar, set it to 1 to enable it.

Disable dialogue subtitles:

wh_dlg_chatbubbles 1

Default value is 1. This enables or disables the subtitles that appear above NPCs when walking around towns. Set the integer to 0 to hide the subtitles, set it to 1 to enable it.

Disable VSync:

r_vsync 0

Use this to disable VSync to potentially increase performance. It is important to note that disabling this will allow screen tearing to occur. Set the integer to 0 to disable VSync, and 1 to re-enable it.

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Quick Guide to Spawning

The developers of Kingdom Come: Deliverance have currently disabled the Console Command that allows you to spawn items and gold now that the game has had its full release. It is possible, however, to add a mod to game that will add many new commands, including a working item spawn command. You can check out our guide on installing and using the mod here, or scroll down below to jump to a specific guide on the item spawning command.

Using the “Cheat” Mod

Before we take a look at spawning items, we’ll need to download and install the mod in order to unlock the command. If you’re a modding pro, you probably already know how to do this. If not, no problem! Take a look at our installation guide for this particular game mod.

Once you’ve set up the mod and booted up your game, open the ingame console using the (~) key. The command we’re going to use to spawn any item into our very own game is cheat_add_item. Here’s a rundown of the usage and arguments.


cheat_add_item <Amount> <Health> <Item ID>

Description: Spawns the selected item(s) into your inventory with the specified amount and conidition


Kingdom Come Deliverance Cheat Pc

  • <Amount> – the amount of the item you want. By default the amount is set to 1, so if only want 1 item you can skip this argument.
  • <Health> – the condition or ‘health’ of the item(s) you’re going to spawn. By default the amount is set to 100 (the maximum), so this argument may also be skipped unless you wish to spawn an item of worse condition.
  • <Item ID> – use the list above to locate the item you want, and then copy and paste the ID into the command.

Kingdom Come Deliverance Unlock Command

Example Usage

Kingdom Come Deliverance Cheat Codes

Still unsure? Let’s take a look at a few examples. For the most part, you probably won’t be using the <Amount> or <Health> arguments. So, for example, if you wanted to spawn Herod’s Sword you would use the following command:

cheat_add_item 21afc054-37d2-4cce-928e-c7d0d2e295c5

However if for some reason you wanted to spawn 20 Warhammers with a condition or ‘health’ of 75, you would use the following command:

Kingdom Come Deliverance Console Commands Bow

cheat_add_item 20 75 24a7c868-f23f-4799-8e64-331435a77404